The Tango Project II

Met with Xin Wei today and I'm kicking off the next phase of The Tango Project with a bit more of a general tone, incorporating into Rhythm Analysis with a focus on ensemble entrainment.

The first step will be to set up an event that will generate a variety of data, including:

  • floor sensors
  • cameras from many angles
  • microphones
  • XOSC devices on dancers (if they're willing) -- all dimensions
  • iterative video (or process the video later in Max)
  • other?

The rules of the first event:

  1. Three people (perhaps 2 dancers and one person playing music or beating drum).
  2. Do not set it up to have a purpose (i.e., don't tell people to try to synchronize, for example).
  3. Be careful not to imbue the event with my own expectations.
  4. Make it fun.
  5. Take data on everything.

Brainstorm with people prior to the event:  Lauren, Jessica, Garth, Todd, Chris, the DS folks, Mohamed, Courtney, Garrett, Julian, Pavan.

Literature:  Go back to the BWO, Manning, etc. to take philosophical underpinnings to the next step.

Develop research questions.

Schedule it. 

Work with Mohamed and others to analyze data.  For my own edification, how does the iterative video inform the transitions between self-organizing behavior and chaos, entrainment and intention?  Can I detect in broad strokes the differences in state of mind of the dancers?  How does this relate to dynamical systems analysis, if at all?

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